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Category Archives: Travis Howard and Chris Baucom

10 Commandments for Investors

10 commandments1) I shall not assume anything from now on no matter what the circumstance because I do not have a crystal ball and I am not omnipotent.

2) I shall not think for others ever again. Instead I will ask questions to get facts rather than inserting my old theories. I don’t like it when others think for me so I will not think for them from this day forth.

3) I shall always have 4 Priorities each day that I must finish or I won’t sleep.

4) I shall help as many people as possible and also know that many times there will be nothing I can do to help them.

5) I will treat everyone with respect like I wish to be treated, and if for any reason I am disrespected I will be twice as respectful towards them.

6) I shall wake up every morning with a plan already written down from the night before. Rule of thumb: Instead of going to bed with a list of items on my mind, I will write them down, stick them in an envelope, and place them in the mailbox. All items will be waiting for me the next morning in the mailbox and I’ll be rested and ready to tackle them. (I keep a legal pad at my bedside to write down tasks for tomorrow, I sleep much better from not worrying about forgetting those important tasks.)

7) When I get frustrated with people or computers I will “Stop, Take 10 deep breathes, get out of the chair, walk around for 10 minutes then come back and refocus on the task at hand.”

8) If I haven’t an answer to a question I will Google or YouTube it. If I need to have a step-by-step answer for some type of software I will use YouTube.

9) I shall put aside 3 hours of every workday to choose the most important priority that makes me the most money and during these 3 hours all technology that can ring, buzz or vibrate will and must be turned off.

10) Another person can only control me if I let them and I have chosen to keep my control until my dying day.
If this post helped you in your business please a comment, Cheers!

Authors: Travis Howard and Chris Baucom “The Real Estate Nerds”
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